Paul Walk's Web
Posts tagged with 'Open-Access'
Should repositories participate in the Fediverse?
Five Prerequisites for a Sustainable Knowledge Commons
Cooperative Open Access eXchange (COAX)
The Active Repository Pattern
Call for feedback to the ResourceSync specification for synchronisation of web resources
RIOXX application profile - draft 1
JISC CNI Meeting, Edinburgh
Push or pull?
Europeana, numbers and scalable architectures
All models are wrong, but some are useful
Repository Architecture 83
Linked data from OAI repositories
Making digitised content available for searching and harvesting(2)
Google gives up on supporting OAI-PMH for Sitemaps
Digital library pipeline for a million books.
A minor response to Repositories thru the looking glass
Making digitised content available for searching and harvesting
Repositories get my vote
Open source community - friend or foe?
Interoperability is not enough
If I have seen further, it is by being thrown up by the mosh pit of my peers
All Tags
web-tech (87)
metadata (21)
open-access (21)
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data-wrangling (13)
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repositories (7)
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coar (1)
digitisation (1)
fediverse (1)
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or2024 (1)
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samvera (1)
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